

横 拼音:héng hèng 部首:户,部外笔画:6,总笔画:10 ; 繁体部首:户,部外笔画:7,总笔画:11 五笔86&98:YNUQ 仓颉:HMSPP 笔顺编号:4531325111 四角号码:37200 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+623F


● 横héng  ㄏㄥˊ ◎ 事物垂直的相对面向水平的:~向。~断。~斜。~竖。~跨。~向度(指事物存在的宽度,如“政治~~”)。 ◎ 平面横过的长度:~截面。~距。~截法。 ◎ 从上而下或从左右而右按一定的间距排列成的整齐的一行:~排。~竖。~排笔。 ◎ 数学中一条坐标轴,由左下到右上的方向(跟纵轴相反)。通称“横向”、“水平方向”;与“纵”、“直”相对。亦作“橫”。 ◎ 中国古度名。古代中国以东西为「横」,以南北为「纵」。 ◎ 地理学名词。与「纬度」相对的「经度」及与「赤道»相对的各地「高纬(度)」、「低纬(度)」的总称。 ◎ 姓。

English translation: horizontal 【中文地名】 河北 河南 湖南 湖北 江西 安徽等省有此简称

【英语地名翻译】 Hubei, Anhui Province in China has the abbreviation of this. There is such a name in Hebei province: Xinjiang and Ningxia have their own abbreviations as mentioned above. Also, there are provinces with this short form: Henan, Hunan (湘), Hu Nan (湖 南) etc. This also applies to some cities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In fact, these characters were written as "橫" before the pinyin system was adopted.

The current characters can be traced back to Chinese calligraphy styles in ancient times called “Sui style”,“Tang style”“Ming Dynasty Style Calligraphy”,and so on,which represent different time periods. The meaning behind them remains unchanged since then: vertical lines mean longitude, and horizontal ones means latitude. They both indicate direction.

In addition,“hang” means “horizontal” or “perpendicular” in English. These two characters share similar meanings but not identical.They’re actually derived from each other by the change of stroke order.Therefore, if you want to write it in a more Western way,you may use either one of them depending on what context they are used for.


《康熙字典》解释如下 【午集上】【广部】橫·康熙筆画:9 ·繁體字:橫 ·拼音:héng ,gāo 【名】 (1)形声。从广(yǎn),行聲。本義:屋頂。 (2)同“高”。 (3)同“亨”。吉字。

以上文字来自百度百科。 所以可以知道,这个字的原始读音和字形来源。 但是,我们现在的现代汉语中使用的字是简化字。 “髙、亨”等字来源于繁体字中的偏旁部首结构。 那么现在要讨论的问题是,为什么“高”或者“亨”没有保留繁体的偏旁部首呢? 我想原因可能是在于这两个字在简体化过程中发生了讹误。因为繁体字书写起来比简体字麻烦很多导致其出现错误的几率大大增加。所以可能是这种讹误的产物。
