侥,读音jiǎo,部首穴(宀),部外笔画7画,总笔画10画,五笔PWQG。繁体字侥 拼音JIÁO。 康熙字典解释【午集上】【肉字部】侥 ·康熙笔画:9·部外笔画:4 《广韵》古肴切《集韵》戈交切,音驕。长也,高也。又《集韵》何消切,音骄。义同。
说文解字【卷十二】【肉部】侥 奇也。从肉尧声。《春秋传》曰:“郑伯使谓楚王日:‘我无尔诈’,对曰:‘我无尔狡’。”
注释 此字当为形声字。从肉,尧声。本义指长、高。与“短”相对。 引申指聪明、狡诈。 又用作姓。
翻译 jiao the longest part of a body.
例句 He is as tall as me!他和我一样高! You are shorter than him!你比他矮。 This table is too short for me to sit at.这张桌子太短了,我不能坐。 She has long hair and a long face.她有着长长的头发和一张长长的脸。 The boy is just two year old, he's so young with his head full of curly black hair.这男孩刚两岁,满头卷发,这么小。 His eyes were as blue as a bright summer sky.他的眼睛像明亮的夏日天空一样的蓝。 Her ears are large.她的耳朵很大。 There was once an ox whose ears were very long; there wasn't much meat on it, but what there was, was very well marbled.曾经有一头牛,它的耳朵很长;身上没有多少肉,但余下的肉都是极好的。 She had brown hair, light green eyes, and fair skin that seemed to glow in the sunlight.她是棕色头发,淡绿色的眼睛,皮肤在阳光下看起来似乎会发光的雪白。 There is not a cloud in the sky.天空中见不到一片云彩。